Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Commitment to slow down

So life has been too much go go go if you haven't picked up on that in my posts already. Yesterday I was journaling and I made the commitment to slow down in the moments I am able. Don't get me wrong, this week is crazy busy with stuff every day of the week, but in the few moments I have where nothing is going on, I've committed to really resting in those moments - going out on the porch, journaling, going on a walk or a run - things like that.

I've been thinking a lot about the concept of a Sabbath day of rest - how God created the universe to function in a rhythm and demonstrated it to us by Himself creating in 6 days and resting on the 7th. Did God need to rest on the 7th day? No. But He did to set the example for us. I know one thing - I need to program the Sabbath rest into my schedule, a whole day of nothing, because this go go go really can catch up to you.

So I guess those are my thoughts for the day. Relax as much as I can. I'm outskies.

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